The worry of each homeowner is the level of crime rate in their neighborhood, but the added concern of HOAs is how their property values can be protected. Are you worried about preventing crime in your HOA Association? Maybe your concern is how to make your Philadelphia neighborhood the safest place to live? In this content, eight affordable ways of preventing crime will be highlighted.
Upgrade your lighting
Since evil can only be perpetrated in the dark, ensure that every nook and cranny of your Condo Association is illuminated and it is advisable for motion-sensing lights to be added in critical locations.
Trim back landscaping.
Without a doubt, it is necessary for hiding places to be eliminated, within your HOA community if you truly want to stop crime. Also ensure that your neighborhood is thoroughly maintained. There are several Philadelphia programs that can assist you.
Take precautions
Before stepping out, advise residents to check doors and windows to see if they are properly locked, and when they are going on vacation, make certain that the association’s outdoor and indoor lights are set on a timer. They can ask your friendly Homeowners Association Manager to collect their mail on your behalf. Be warned; homeowners should not cultivate the habit of posting their itineraries on social media accounts so that nobody will know when they are around or not.
The Homeowners Association can invest in cameras.
Not only that wireless technology is affordable but also make it a possibility for the homeowners association residents can monitor their homes from their mobile phones even when they are on the move. You can watch out for territories of intrigue, and inhabitants can buy cameras for their individual houses, as well. If anything isn’t as it should be they could call the police, another condo owner or the HOA Association Manager.
Reach out to police.
Since crime prevention is the number one priority of your Philadelphia police force as well as yours, driving through your Philadelphia neighborhood occasionally will be their pleasure. And be sure that community watch efforts are supported. For suspicious behavior to be monitored in your community, a group of homeowners can also be trained by the Philadelphia police. The purpose of your neighborhood watch group should not be to enforce laws themselves, but to make sure that observations are reported to law enforcement. 5 Simple Ways HOA Owners Can Volunteer. Also, ensure that they are not an arm of your association.
Keep homeowners informed.
Don’t spread the news in the event of a recent rash of break-ins to avoid creating panic. The best thing to do is to put an end to it at an early stage.
Encourage cooperation.
It will be extremely difficult for criminals to penetrate a Homeowners Community if the inhabitants look out for one another and if there is adequate communication between them.
Hire a Property Manager
Undoubtedly, a property manager will offer invaluable expertise. Therefore, consider hiring one for your community to be adequately maintained. See Philadelphia Property Management Reviews.